Master’s and Doctorate Degree in Animal Science with Emphasis on Bioactive Products

15 vacancies (master's degree)
13 vacancies (doctorate degree)



I International Symposium of Feline Infectious Medicine of Northwest Paraná.

I Aviculture and Professional Training - The Importance of Internationalization and University Partnerships with the Poultry Production Sector.

UNIPAR Scientific Initiation Meeting (From 2008 to 2015).

International Congress of Sciences, Technology and Innovation, and Annual Scientific Initiation Meeting at UNIPAR (Since 2016)


VIII Symposium in Animal Science from the Post-Graduation in Animal Science with Emphasis on Bioactive products. IV Continuous Education Cycle in Animal Science Inserted in the Basic Education Nucleus.

Topic: Biosecurity and Sanity of Poultry - Technical Aspects.

Lecture: Parameters and Analysis of the Quality of Milk to Meet the Minimum Requirements Currently Demanded in Brazil

I Symposium of Infectious Diseases in Northwest Paraná - Date: October 19 to 22, 2020.

I Forum of Alumni from the Post-Graduation Program in Animal Science with Emphasis on Bioactive products at Unipar.


Practical Aspects related to the Ambiance in Poultry.

Symposium: VI Symposium in Animal Science and XII Scientific Exhibit from the Post-Graduation Program in Animal Science with Emphasis on Bioactive products.

Course: Practical Aspects related to the Sanity of Poultry.

I Continuous Education Cycle in Animal Science inserted in the Basic Education Nucleus at Colégio Estadual Do Campo Benjamim Antônio Motter, Distrito De Central Santa Cruz, Cafelândia in the State of Paraná.

Basic English Grammar.

Veterinary Medicine Journey.

IV Continuous Education Cycle in Animal Science Inserted in the Basic Education Nucleus.

IV International Congress of Sciences, Technology and Innovation, and XVII Scientific Initiation Meeting at Unipar.

Date: October 25 or 26, 2019

Venue: Main Campus - UNIPAR

The International Congress of Science, Technology and Innovation, and the Annual Scientific Initiation Meeting at UNIPAR have the key purposes of enabling the disclosure of the results of the research projects annually developed by the research professors, students in the elementary education, undergraduate and post-graduation courses, as well as professionals and other participants from both the institution itself and from external ones. This is the largest event held in the City of Umuarama (countryside of Paraná) and region. The heterogeneity of the participants allows for a broad discussion of several subjects related to the advances of research developed by the institution. Prof. Dr. Daniela Dib Gonçalves and Emerson Luiz Botelho Lourenço have put together the following thematic modules:


  • Round Table: Drug abuse and neuromodulation: from basic neuroscience to clinical practice

The first lecture will present the structural, neuro-chemical, and behavioral effects of long-term exposure to ethanol. The second lecture will discuss the use of deep brain stimulation on motor rehabilitation of patients with movement disturbances and its therapeutic potential in other psychiatric disturbances, such as drug abuse, depression, and anxiety. The third lecture will discuss the association between depression and Parkinson’s disease, based on data obtained from animal experimentation and clinical research.

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Edmar Miyoshi (Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa).


Prof. Dr. Gonzalo Alexander Gomez Acosta (The University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill, EUA) Prof. Dr. Suelen Lucio Boschen de Souza (Computational Neuroscience and Neuromodulation Laboratory - Department of Neurosurgery, EUA)

Prof. Dr. Marcelo Machado Ferro (Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Brazil).

Reporter: Prof. Dr. Emerson Luiz Botelho Lourenço

Venue: Sala de Vídeo 1 - Bloco 3 / UNIPAR Campus III – October 24


  • Round Table: Integrated Surveillance in Border Regions.

This round table will approach epidemiological and anthropization aspects related to diseases transmitted by vectors, especially trypanosomiasis, leishmaniasis and Lyme disease, and their consequences to both animal and human health.

Moderator: Profa. Dra. Daniela Dib Gonçalves (UNIPAR).


Prof. Dr. Oscar Daniel Salomon (Instituto Nacional de Medicina Tropical, ANLIS, Ministerio de Salud y Desarrollo Social, Argentina)

Prof. Dr. Walfrido Kuhl Svoboda (UNILA – Universidade da Integração Latina Americana) Prof. Dr. Marcio Roberto Teixeira Nunes (Instituto Evandro Chagas/SVS/MS Belem, PA)

Prof. MSc. André de Souza Leandro (Prefeitura Municipal de Foz do Iguaçu - Centro de Controle de Zoonoses – Foz do Iguaçú).

Reporter: Prof. Dr. Andreia Assunção Soares

Venue: Sala de Vídeo 1 - Bloco 3 / UNIPAR Campus III – October 25



Lecture: Anti-tumoral Activity of Bioactives

Symposium: VI Symposium in Animal Science and XII Scientific Exhibit from the Post-Graduation Program in Animal Science with Emphasis on Bioactive Products

Course: English for Specific Purposes: Reading Strategies

Course: Training in Production of Poultry and Poultry Matrices

Course: Biotechniques in the Reproduction of Dogs

Veterinary Medicine Journey

Course: Nutrition and Feeding of Ruminants

IV Continuous Education Cycle in Animal Science Inserted in the Basic Education

III International Congress of Sciences, Technology and Innovation, and XVII Scientific Initiation Meeting at Unipar

  • Round Table: Pharmacological and Toxicological approach for the development of new drugs from natural products.

Despite several research groups in Brazil being dedicated to the study and development of new drugs from natural products, few were the pharmaceutical products developed in recent years. The reason for this lack of new drugs in face of the Brazilian immense biodiversity is not fully clarified, but the lack of a methodological standardization may have substantially contributed to the reduced number of herbal medicines available for sale. The round table intends to address this topic in a scientifically correct and independent manner, approaching the subject in two key aspects. The first aims at presenting the new methodologies and the species currently under study from the Brazilian and Colombian biodiversities.

The second, to present regulatory aspects and the legislation regarding the necessary security studies for the development of new herbal medicines.
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Leonardo Garcia Velasquez (UNIPAR)


Prof. Dr. Dora María Benjumea Gutiérrez (Universidade de Antióquia - Colombia) Prof. Dr. Arquimedes Gasparotto Junior (UFGD)

Prof. Dr. Emerson Luiz Botelho Lourenço (UNIPAR)

Reporter: Prof. Dr. Francislaine dos Reis Lívero (UNIPAR).

  • Round Table: Methodologies and applications of complementary medicine in single health.

This round table will discuss the methodologies and applications of complementary medicine in single health. It will address matters related to the application of cellular therapy, ozone therapy, and medicinal plants with anti-inflammatory action.

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Daniela Dib Gonçalves (UNIPAR)


Prof. Dr. Fernanda da Cruz Landim e Alvarenga (Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - Botucatu)

Prof. Dr. Zullyt Zamora Rodriguez (Centro Nacional de Investigações Científicas - Cuba) Prof. Dr. Virginia Moltiva Sánchez (Universidad de Sevilla - Spain)

Reporter: Reporter: Prof. Dr. Rosiara Rosária Dias Mazaiero (UNIPAR).


Veterinary Medicine Journey

III Continuous Education Cycle in Animal Science Inserted in the Basic Education

II International Congress of Sciences, Technology and Innovation, and XVI Scientific Initiation Meeting at Unipar

Round Table: Vector-transmitted diseases and their importance in single health.

This round table will approach epidemiological and anthropization aspects related to diseases transmitted by vectors, especially trypanosomiasis, leishmaniasis and Lyme disease, and their consequences to both animal and human health.

Coordination: Prof. Dr. Daniela Dib Gonçalves


Ana Laura Carbajal de la Fuente - Universidade: Universidad de Buenos Aires, UBA, Argentina Monica Nunes / Fundação Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

  • Round Table: Biodiversity Products in health maintenance.

This round table will approach the topic of the Brazilian biodiversity as a source of products for the maintenance of health, emphasizing the prevention of degenerative and mainly cardiovascular diseases with the consumption of products derived from plants native from the Center-South, such as erva-mate.

Coordination: Dr. Euclides Lara Cardozo Junior (UNIPAR)


Dr. Christine Morand / National Institute of Agriculture Research (INRA), France

Dr. Alexandre Cardoso Taketa (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, Mexico Dr. Nelson Bracesco (Universidad de La Republica (UdelaR, Uruguay).

Master’s and Doctorate Degree in Animal Science with Emphasis on Bioactive Products

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